Sunday 13 September 2009

Literary Escape

Okay, so I don't really write poems.. I don't think I have a natural flair for them at all, but someone I knew said something about how books aren't as great as other forms of entertainment and education (small minded, yes, but what can you do?) and this just came to mind..

A page or two is all I need

A few sentences strung together

For reality persists in pulling me down

Deeper into her dark hazy depths

Dark prose, poems of intrigue

Anomalous novels, extravagant plays

Concrete words of advice, flairs of hope

From an unknown survivor, a masked vigilante

Streaks of light in a morose existence

Whispers of hope for a saturnine soul

Allow me this freedom, temporary yet constant

Like no friend a man can ever find

Aid my ephemeral escape

From the suffocating confines of my mind

The intoxicating temptations of reality

Into that from which hope springs

A world of amaranthine literary bliss

Thursday 3 September 2009

Smiley Chase!

View whole picture here.

Made a Persona for Firefox.. Smiley Chase! And then I ended up liking the smileys I made so much that I put them up as my background.. *grins sheepishly* what?? I like em.

Oh the Persona would look like this by the way -


Haha, saw Inkheart with the kids.. I thought Paul Bettany played Dustfinger really well! Oh and Farid was hilarious.. so after watching I just had to draw something immature about the two of them. Lol, well here it is..

view the full-size picture here.

Saturday 18 July 2009

You and You

They say there is one person
In the world that looks like you
So if you are one and he is one
Then together that makes two

This of course begs the question
That if he thought like you and talked like you
Then would this other he, in fact,
Quite possibly be you?

And if then by chance
You and you were to meet
Would you be able to tell
Yourself from you two?

Or would it suddenly
Appear to be as such-
That you were no longer you
Indeed, but one or the other?

They say there is one person
In the world that looks like you
It is a wonder that if you met he,
Would you reform yourself anew?

And if such were the case
Would he do it too?

Monday 1 June 2009

Okay, so I was looking around for Adobe Illustrator Tutorials (and I gotta say, is awesome!) and I found this one tutorial about MiniCards but this company called Moo.

So obviously I checked it out, and they are pretty nifty! For $20 you get 100 MiniCards of size [2.8 cm x 7 com] and the great part is you can design them anyway you want! All you have to do is save pictures of whatever you want on your cards (pictures, illustrations, text) and then upload them when they ask you to, and you're hours away from getting your own MiniCards! I haven't tried this yet, but I will definitely do it when I can.

They also had sticker sets.. it's pretty cool, check it out.

Thursday 14 May 2009

*Catch Me If You Can* and OTH 6.23

Okay, before I absolutely go ooon about OTH, I was going to say something about Catch Me If You Can, which I saw again after years with my cousin yesterday. Somehow I remembered the entire movie, but I didn't remember the end at all! Which was awesome, because when I found out the twist and then found out that this was a true story about Frank W. Abagnale Jr. I was completely surprised. It is such an amazing movie really. Tons of fun paired with great acting. Oh, and Steven Spielberg of course. I'm sure most of the magic comes from him! And Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks are great together.. XD

One Tree Hill. Right. What can I say? I mean, I really liked Monday's episode. The wedding was gorgeous, and Haley was so cute as the minister! Lol, Julian and Brooke were awesome- irritated, jealous and arguing the whole time.. of course, it's OTH and so obviously there were some sad parts, like Nathan and the clippers.. and Peyton passing out in the end of course.
But since we kinda know that L&P might be leaving the show (*sniff sniff* that totally sucks. I mean, how can there be an OTH with out them? I mean, not just because of their relationship, but because of their relationships with other people. Lucas and Nathan are so cute as brothers.. and Peyton an Brooke.. Luke and Jaime.. This totally sux.) everyone expected something bad at the end.
Now the question is- will she die? I don't really think so, because I think that is sort of cruel, but lets see. I'm so glad they had this episode though, another happy day with all the cast members..

Oh and Julian kicked ass at the end with Victoria. Amazing.

Oh I just had to make some sort of fanart for the episode..

Grin and Bear it!

My little sister got hurt a few days ago.. one of those horribly painful toe injuries. I drew a little smiley to make her happy :D

Isn't abstract fonts awesome? Random much, I know, but I was looking for a new font to put in my photomanipulation and, man, that place is awesome. Check it out - aBSTRACT fONTS.
I especially like the grunge and retro font types..

I've been trying to finish my nano story for AGES. Unfortunately it seems I'm too lazy. Damn. I relaly should get it done. I wanna finish it before university... in 5 months.


Saturday 9 May 2009

Free Background..

Okay, so I started using illustrator, and I ended up screwing aroun with the blend tool and coming up with this! I saved it as 1024 x 768 so that it can be used as a background! So just click and save if you want it.. a comment would be nice! XD

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Whoa.. Over 500 pounds? Really??

Okay, this maybe old news, but I just found out that the most expensive icecream in the world sells off at $1000.. which aparently is over 500 pounds. Whoaa... okay, yeah that is totally a waste of money, but honestly I wouldn't judge someone who has money if they get it. I mean, yeah, charity and people dying of starvation around the world is an issue, but if you're a giving person who is helping all that out anywyas, then I understand you wanting the icecream! Lol, I mean some people want expensive food, the other want expensive icecream with gold furnishings.. Still.. whoa.

More info -

Sunday 3 May 2009

On the way out..

Urghhh.. still felling ill! AND I have to go to some random party right now. Man this bloody-well sucks. You know how when you're sick you just wanna stay in your pjs and lay in bed? Well that's what I want! Pjs and tea.. some occasionally honey.. lots of talking to my friends and some bed rest. And okay, I've been kinda doing that, but I don't feel well enough to get up yet! Get up and go to someone else's house. Someone random! What IF I pass out there? My dad would be all, yeah, this is my daughter.. and oh no, she's on the floor.

Okat he just came in. Time to go. Hopefully my new music will download before we leave! *crosses fingers*

Ooo just saw DEAD POETS SOCIETY btw with Robin Williams and Wilson (from House) it was really nice.. I actually really liked it. Sad, but it had spark.. :D

Friday 1 May 2009

Sick. *coughs*

Yup, I'm on official bed-rest. But the sickness really isn't getting to me this time. I don't see the point in whining over the fact that I have a fever and my head feels heavy.. I took the meds, and it'll go away in time. Mean while I did some more art (obviously) and watched the new episodes of GG and Oth.

I know, I watch too much silly teen drama stuff. It's sad really. I'm getting back to Supernatural as soon as my DVD player is up and running again.. or as soon as I get my laptop drive fixed. I love this laptop but it's falling apart *hugs the laptop* my poor poor loyal baby. It's dying. I'm going to have to get another one before uni.. it has to be another tablet tho, i love tablets. Anywyas, the art! Here..

It's not bad, eh? I need to do some more.. In a few months I'll be stuying my ass off and there will be no time for art (hopefully not, but i always expect the worst). And i NEED to finish my nano story. Soon.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

More Art!

This time it's for a competition on dA.. we had this model geisha-girl and we had to make something with it.. So I went with the japanese theme.. Click to see it full-size

I'm pretty happy with it! My dad wants me to make a brochure for this clinic thing now.. So I gotta get on that..